Unusual Art for the eclectic eye

Come in out of this terrible night my Friend. Raining again, is it? The wind is a fury, blowing everything about like that. My name is Ledley Barbour. I am the Curator and Keeper of the Treasures here at the Mossthread Museum. I am not alone here, walking these endless corridors, I am accompanied by my shape shifting Companion, Sebastienne the Crow. One day we will tell you the story of why we are held prisoners here...captives. Until then, We invite you into the Mossthread Museum. We are sure that we have something here that you will want.

The Gift Room


Thank you for joining in the FUN of the Gift Room! This is an unused coloring book, filled with lovely images. If this is something that you can use please comment "yes!" in the comment section. I will need a bit of postage to send it along to you and your snail mail addy. This can be accomplished over Paypal.


  1. Thank you.If you so desire I am happy to gift this coloring book to you.
